now that i know you exist, how do i not love you…

now that i know you exist, how do i not love you

now that i know you exist, how do i not love you

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising quote ‘now that i know you exist, how do i not love you’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘love’ section of the book on page 193. The quote is one of her very first real love quotes. And when she first wrote the quote, she was madly in love with her first love, and the quote was one of the most beautiful things she had ever felt. However, about a year later, that relationship crashed and burned and the quote became the most heartbreaking thing she’d ever felt. So the quote has a double meaning – either how can you not be madly in love, or… how will you ever find a to stop loving this person.

now that i know you exist, how do i not love you

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