my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic – butterflies rising Viral Instagram Post

my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic

my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic

– butterflies rising

In the summer of 2022, butterflies rising reposted her quote ‘my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic’ and the post went viral. Currently the post has over 114,000 likes, and it still gets traffic. The quote was included in a multiple slide post that was about how butterflies rising’s best connections are built on energy as what she is most drawn to in connections of any kind is very much an energy thing. She also tends to write about energy connections a lot. Some of the quotes included in the post were about love, and some were just connection in general, but all were about energy and soul stuff and how we’re drawn to people by they way we feel with them. ‘my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic’ can be either a love quote or a friendship quote or just a general connection quote, and she was so excited to have the post go viral and hopefully inspire a lot of others to appreciate their magic soul connections.

my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic

butterflies rising’s June 29, 2018 Instagram Post of ‘‘my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic’