it’s breathtaking, how your heart spills out of you so achingly soft…

it’s breathtaking, how your heart spills out of you so achingly soft, and so chaotically unsure

Wildfire Heart…

it’s breathtaking,
how your heart spills out of you
so achingly soft, and so chaotically unsure,
but as if the entire world catches fire
and you’re wanting to just be
so in love with it all

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘it’s breathtaking, how your heart spills out of you so achingly soft, and so chaotically unsure’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘soul’ section of the book on page 338. The poem is something that butterflies rising wrote about sensitive and passionate souls and how they feel and move and live in this world that can feel so harsh to them.

it’s breathtaking, how your heart spills out of you so achingly soft, and so chaotically unsure

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