reach into my heart through the bones of my chest and uncover it all…

reach into my heart through the bones of my chest and uncover it all

“reach into
my heart through
the bones of my chest
and uncover it all…
feel anything that’s there
and breathe easy.

– the way honesty feels

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘reach into my heart through the bones of my chest and uncover it all’ is in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the “connection” section on page 308. butterflies rising wrote this poem about how good honesty feels- from both perspectives. They way that having someone be honest with you can make you feel so safe and loved and can help you breathe easy. Then also, the way it can feel so incredibly freeing and beautiful to be open and honest with someone. The poem is meant to have that double meaning, and to capture how beautiful honesty can feel all around.

reach into my heart through the bones of my chest and uncover it all

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