there’s that corner of your smile, the one towards me when you’re in the driver’s seat…

there’s that corner of your smile, the one towards me when you're in the driver's seat

there’s that
corner of your smile,
the one towards me when you’re
in the driver’s seat…
how it lifts just a little when i say
something sweet

…add that to my favorite things.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘there’s that corner of your smile, the one towards me when you’re in the driver’s seat’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘love’ section of the book on page 156. The piece was written about a boyfriend, and a big part of their relationship was talking road trips, and there was that right corner of his smile that she would crush on when he was driving.

there’s that corner of your smile, the one towards me when you're in the driver's seat

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