how beautiful it feels when they want to know…

how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you

how beautiful it feels
when they want to know
all about the worlds you hold
inside of you

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising micropoem ‘how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘connection’ section of the book on page 289. The piece was inspired by someone in her life who was really beautiful to her wanted to show her that what goes on inside of her heart and inside of her head should matter to someone who says they love her. That she isn’t just meant to be an accessory or to fill someone’s needs, and that who we are on the inside… it matters.

how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you

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