i love in heartbeats, slow and sweet…

i love in heartbeats, slow and sweet, so sweet, and hard, and reckless, and racing

i love in heartbeats,
slow and sweet, so sweet,
and hard, and reckless,
and racing, and so close,
maybe too close…
so then running,
and reaching, and aching,
but in heartbeats, everything,
all of it, in heartbeats

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘i love in heartbeats, slow and sweet, so sweet, and hard, and reckless, and racing’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘soul’ section of the book on page 376. The poem is written about being an intense feeler and a passionate lover and what it is to feel everything to really intense extremes and in really deep depths.

i love in heartbeats, slow and sweet, so sweet, and hard, and reckless, and racing

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