how beautiful it feels when they want to know – butterflies rising poem origin

how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you

how beautiful it feels
when they want to know
all about the worlds you hold
inside of you

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising’s micropoem ‘how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you’ was in her first book ‘wild spirit, soft heart,’ however, in 2022, she reposted it on Instagram and shared the origin story of the piece.

butterflies rising grew up being instilled with beliefs that made her feel that her role in a relationship when she grew up would be as a pretty little accessory in a boy’s story. And then when she was 18, she got in her first relationship, and that boyfriend ended up being incredibly passionate about who she was as a person. Her thoughts and feelings and beliefs mattered to him, and that beautiful feeling had a big impact on her. So this little poem was something she wrote about that feeling.

how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you

Instagram post of the origin story of butterflies rising’s ‘how beautiful it feels when they want to know all about the worlds you hold inside of you‘ micropoem