your heart is too special to not be carried kindly…

your heart is too special to not be carried kindly, to not be held like it’s magic

your heart is too special
to not be carried kindly,
to not be held like
it’s magic

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising quote ‘your heart is too special to not be carried kindly, to not be held like it’s magic’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘self-love’ section of the book on page 39. The quote was written after a breakup and was something butterflies rising wrote as a reminder to herself that the person who broke her heart didn’t treat her how she deserved. she hopes the quote feels like a little reminder for others who are heartbroken in the same way, that they are too special too not be loved like they are magic.

your heart is too special to not be carried kindly, to not be held like it’s magic

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