when you feel lost, look up… just let all the pretty lights in the sky guide you home

when you feel lost, look up… just let all the pretty lights in the sky guide you home

when you feel lost, look up…
just let all
the pretty lights in the sky
guide you home

– butterflies rising

excerpt from ‘wild spirit, soft heart’:

“Ever since I can remember, going outside and looking up at the stars has been one of the most powerful feelings in this world for me. Especially at times when this world doesn’t feel like home, the stars have this way of reminding me of a home, somewhere. And I think a lot of people have that same feeling when they look up at the stars.

So, this is something my friends and I tell each other whenever we feel lost in life… if it feels like there are no answers, go outside, look up, and take in the stars. Let the pretty lights guide you home. There’s just something in the night sky that helps us remember that we are more than our current human experiences. That we’re on a soul journey. That no matter what we’re going through in this human moment, it’s a small, temporary moment. And no matter how big and overwhelming it all feels, someway, somehow, we’re going to find our way home.”

when you feel lost, look up… just let all the pretty lights in the sky guide you home

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