to be able to let go of you it feels as if – butterflies rising

to be able to let go of you it feels as if - butterflies rising quote

to be able to let go of you it feels as if i’d also have to let go of who i’ve been …but i think that was your purpose. – the catalyst

– butterflies rising

‘to be able to let go of you it feels as if’ is a quote by the author butterflies rising that can be found in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’. This quote was something she wrote after after a breakup and she was trying to let go and heal. She was realizing the process of healing was also asking for growth and change within her herself and that there was purpose in the heartbreak.

to be able to let go of you it feels as if - butterflies rising quote

never be ashamed of how deeply and passionately you loved someone who destroyed you – Copyright Information