this is heart work, and you can’t think your way around this…

this is heart work, and you can't think your way around this… you've gotta feel your way through it

this is heart work,
and you can’t think your way
around this…

you’ve gotta feel your
way through it

– butterflies rising

‘this is heart work, and you can’t think your way around this… you’ve gotta feel your way through it’ is a micropoem by butterflies rising that is published on page 85 of wild spirit soft heart in the healing section of the book. The poem is something that butterflies rising wrote about healing and how it isn’t something that happens in your head… it’s something that takes place in your heart. She believes that our healing journey isn’t a problem we solve or something broken we fix, it’s something we go through and grow through. So it isn’t something we think our way around, it’s something we feel our way through.

this is heart work, and you can't think your way around this… you've gotta feel your way through it

Copyright Information for this is heart work, and you can’t think your way around this… you’ve gotta feel your way through it