let the wonder and beauty of your existence fall out of you everywhere, unafraid…

let the wonder and beauty of your existence fall out of you everywhere, unafraid

let the
wonder and beauty
of your existence
fall out of you
everywhere, unafraid
no matter who may take it in
or hold it with care
let it all be
unshaken by the cold

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘let the wonder and beauty of your existence fall out of you everywhere, unafraid’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘self-love’ section of the book on page 44. butterflies rising wrote this about learning to be all that you are without fear or apology and to let it spill out into the world without fear of how it may or may not be received and reacted to, to just be and express and “let it all be unshaken by the cold.”

let the wonder and beauty of your existence fall out of you everywhere, unafraid

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