searching and curious for who i am underneath…

searching and curious for who i am underneath all of the versions of myself i've taken on for someone else

searching and curious for who i am underneath all of the versions of myself i’ve taken on for someone else.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising quote ‘searching and curious for who i am underneath all of the versions of myself i’ve taken on for someone else’ is an original and copyrighted quote that was published on April 30, 2024, and was added into her 2024 version of ‘wild spirit, soft heart’. The quote was something she wrote about growing out of her permission-seeking and people-pleasing habits and instead learning to be who she wants to be for herself.

searching and curious for who i am underneath all of the versions of myself i've taken on for someone else

Copyright Information for: ‘searching and curious for who i am underneath all of the versions of myself i’ve taken on for someone else