love won’t ask you to be less of yourself, it will invite you to become more

love won’t ask you to be less of yourself, it will invite you to become more - butterflies rising

love won’t ask you to be less of yourself, it will invite you to become more and more of you, to step into all of you

– butterflies rising

‘love won’t ask you to be less of yourself, it will invite you to become more and more of you, to step into all of you’ is a quote by the author butterflies rising that can be found in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’. This quote came from butterflies rising’s own journey of unlearning codependency and learning to believe in love doesn’t not mean reducing yourself to fit into a relationship and that if a relationship tried to disconnect you from yourself or be less of yourself, then it isn’t love.

love won’t ask you to be less of yourself, it will invite you to become more - butterflies rising

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