let your head quiet, go where your heart sways – 2018 Instagram Post

let your head quiet, go where your heart sways

let your head quiet, go where your heart sways – 2018 Instagram Post – butterflies rising quote

In September 2018, butterflies rising published her quote ‘let your head quiet, go where your heart sways’. She first published it on the butterflies rising poetry blog, and then she shared the quote on her Instagram account. This quote was a reflection of a lot things happening in her life that were nudging her to walk away form heavy energy, and social media was one of those things as this quote was actually a precursor to her well-known quote ‘go where you breathe free’, which led to her taking a long break from social media. Both quotes are messages she received from her inner voice about following the call of her soul.

let your head quiet, go where your heart sways

butterflies rising’s September 13, 2018 Instagram Post of ‘let your head quiet, go where your heart sways’