lay here… safe in the morning light, soft in the daylight..

lay here... safe in the morning light, soft in the daylight, until sunlight becomes skin light

lay here…
safe in the morning light,
soft in the daylight,
until sunlight becomes skin light,
breathe in and let the flowers
wrap you up in sweet
until the air comes easy from your chest,
until the sky becomes something you can touch,
and the earth becomes somewhere you
can stay and still have wings

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘lay here… safe in the morning light, soft in the daylight, until sunlight becomes skin light’ is published in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘spirit’ section of the book on page 396. butterflies rising wrote this poem about her struggle with the human experience, her struggle with being in this world and how she never feels grounded because her spirit doesn’t really want to be. Her spirit wants to be free of the limitations of this world. She wrote this as a way of looking for beauty in this world and finding it in nature and using that as something to hold onto as a reason to be here.

lay here... safe in the morning light, soft in the daylight, until sunlight becomes skin light

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