Journey Companions… please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks…

please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks… for us to see them in each other

Journey Companions…

please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks… for us to see them in each other… and to remind each other of them when we can’t see them in ourselves. may we light each other’s way and guide each other home.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘Journey Companions… please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks’ is an original and copyrighted prose piece that was published on February 18, 2024, and is part of her ‘Journey Companions’ poem series.

please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks… for us to see them in each other

Copyright Information for: ‘Journey Companions… please let the ones on my journey be here for the soul sparks