go with me everywhere in the world, bare skin in sunshine, lost under moonshine…

go with me everywhere in the world, bare skin in sunshine, lost under moonshine

go with me
everywhere in the world,
bare skin in sunshine,
lost under moonshine,
let’s go

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘go with me everywhere in the world, bare skin in sunshine, lost under moonshine’ is an original and copyrighted micropoem that was published on February 6, 2019, and is on page 160 of ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ in the ‘love’ section. The poem was written about a boy she was in love with at the time. They had an adventurous relationship together, so the theme of the poem captured that energy, however, the poem has a much deeper meaning. ‘go with me everywhere in the world’ was a metaphor for the depth and intimacy of their relationship. ‘go with me everywhere’ was about exploring each other other’s entire universes from the vulnerable to the passionate. ‘bare skin in sunshine’ was a metaphor for opening their hearts and baring each other’s layers and bringing their inner worlds into the light for each other to see. and ‘lost under moonshine’ was a metaphor for loving each other through the dark sides and shadow layers as well. In 2020, butterflies rising updated the word ‘lost’ to ‘wild’ because she had started exploring her shadow layers with less judgment and more acceptance, so the updated line ‘wild under moonshine’ was meant to capture the idea of embracing your many layers – even the dark ones – and allowing our chaos energy to be beautiful.

go with me everywhere in the world, bare skin in sunshine, lost under moonshine

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